Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Support Menhaden Defenders get your T Shirts and Bumper stickers now!

We are excited to announce that local fishing club donations have enabled us to finally offer these long awaited shirts and stickers! 
Your purchase will directly fund our continuing efforts to fight against exploitation of our Atlantic Menhaden stocks (aka Bunker & Pogy) and continue our work to rebuild stocks back to historic levels.

Long and short sleeve shirts are available.
Shirts are quality ultra cotton light gray and printed 3 color on the back and left arm.
Stickers are 8" long, die cut striped bass shape, full color, 3M outdoor quality

Short sleeve shirts $20
Long sleeve shirts $30
Please add $5.00 to cover U.S.P.S for shirts

Stickers $5 each >>> 2 for $8 and 3 for $12  (no postage)

You can use paypal, just go to www.paypal.com
enter email address captpaul@menhadendefenders.org
and follow instructions from there.
OR if you prefer to just mail a check, email us
Check made out to "Menhaden Defenders"
and be sure to include email and mailing address, quantity and sizes desired

Thank You in advance for your support and helping to spread the word.
No Bunker = No Bass!!

Capt. Paul Eidman
Menhaden Defenders

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