Greetings! Fellow Menhaden Defender,
The Battle for the Bunker continues. This is your call to action. Please do your part to help our Bunker and make sure that the ASMFC hears us loud and clear.
If possible, please attend your local hearing with your comments in hand. The hearing schedule is at ASMFC website below. If submitted otherwise, comments must be received by 5:00 PM (EST) on April 20, 2012. Do not wait until last minute, act now!
The ASMFC is currently seeking public comment on management tools for the commercial and recreational menhaden fisheries. At this stage of the process, it is important that the ASMFC include as many practical options as possible in the Amendment (except for the ridiculous 10 year timeline!) so that stakeholders and the public have an opportunity to comment.
I encourage you to add your own comments to the comment contained here. A personalized message will have a greater impact. However, the most important thing is to comment. If you would like to see more details regarding this request for public input, please visit the www.asmfc.org website, found under managed species>Atlantic Menhaden-
You may submit public comment in one or more of the following ways:
1. Attend public hearings held in your state or jurisdiction, if applicable.
2. Refer comments to your state’s members on the Atlantic Menhaden Board or Atlantic
Menhaden Advisory Panel, if applicable.
3. Mail, fax, or email written comments to the following address:
Michael Waine
Fishery Management Plan Coordinator
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
1050 North Highland Street, Suite 200A-N
Arlington, Virginia 22201
Fax: (703) 842-0741
mwaine@asmfc.org (subject line: Menhaden PID)
If you have any questions please call Mike Waine at (703) 842-0740.
Dear Michael Waine,
Atlantic menhaden is a critical species to our marine ecosystem, yet overfishing has occurred 52 of the last 54 years. The population is now at record low levels.
It is time for the ASMFC to act by establishing the first ever coast-wide limit on menhaden landings, along with appropriate management measures to insure that limit is not exceeded.
The ASMFC must implement the new amendment in time for the 2013 fishing season. The ASMFC has seen overwhelming, unprecedented public support for menhaden conservation: 91,000 people wrote to the ASMFC in support of leaving more menhaden in the sea. In line with its mission to manage public marine resources sustainably, the ASMFC should finalize the new amendment to the fishery management plan by October 2012.
It is important that the Menhaden Management Board:
1. Implement immediate catch reductions that will achieve the TARGET in 3 years or less. The sooner we restore menhaden abundance, the sooner it will benefit the ocean’s many predators and the east coast fisheries that depend on the commercial and sport fish that need menhaden to thrive!
2. Remove the 10-year rebuilding timeline as an option. It’s a slap in the face to the public, who have already waited a decade for the ASMFC to take action to restore menhaden, to be asked to wait another 10 years!
3. Set a total allowable coast-wide catch, with at least a 75% probability of achieving the target within the designated time frame. Menhaden must be restored throughout its historical range. There is too much at stake to take chances with recovery!
In addition
· Timely, comprehensive catch reporting must be in place to administer the coastwide quota.
· The recreational fishery should maintain de minimus status, as long as the fishery continues to catch less than 1 percent of the total.
· States that wish to apply for de minimus status must be subject to rigorous monitoring and applicable limits, beyond which they will no longer quality for de minimus status.
· The ASMFC should call for complimentary management measures to be implemented in federal waters (EEZ). The United States EEZ is the largest in the world. Menhaden management must be extended to these waters to ensure conservation of this crucially important forage species.
Overall, the ASMFC include as many practical options as possible in the Amendment, except for the absurd 10 year timeline to meet the target, and it should take action immediately, such that new management measures are implemented for the 2013 fishing season.
Your name with address, state, zip code and email address
Thanks very much for your continued support and action. Please remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter or the Menhaden Defenders Website: www.menhadendefenders.org
AND: make sure that you have a your No Bunker=No Bass sticker.
You get 2 of them for a donation of $5.
Email captpaul@menhadendefenders.org with your address.
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